לזכות אלחנן בן הענא מרים לפרנסה בשפע וכל טוב סלה בגשם וברוח לו לביתו ולכל משפחתו ולשומעי לקחו
The gemara in Zevachim [89a] learns the rule that תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם - The more frequently done mitzva is done before the less frequently done mitzva. Hence, the Korban Tomid is brought first every day because it is the most frequent.
- What is the din in a case where by doing the תדיר first he will miss out entirely on the אינו תדיר. Apparently, he should do the אינו תדיר so he doesn't lose it completely. So normally one reads Shema before saying Kiddush Levana but if it is the last night and by reading Shema he will miss Kiddush Levana entirely, he should say Kiddush Levan first [Noda Be-yehuda O"C 41]. However, Rav Chaim Volozhiner argues and says that even if he will miss out on the אינו תדיר, the תדיר still comes first.
- The Magen Avraham [286/3] says that if it almost shkiyah and he hasn't davened mussaf or mincha - he should daven mussaf first because mincha can be made up by davening maariv twice while mussaf has no make up [תשלומין in Spanish]. This is NOT LIKE the opinion of Rav Chaim that we just saw because he maintains that even when you are going to miss out completely on the אינו תדיר the תדיר still takes precendence and thus mincha should be the chosen tefilla and not mussaf.
- The Shulchan Aruch [286/1] that if one davens mussaf after 7 hours he is יוצא but considered a פושע. The Gemara [Brachos 27] and Shulchan Aruch [286/1] say that if one has the option of davening mussaf or mincha then mincha comes first because it is תדיר. The Pri Megadim asks about a situation where by davening mincha he will end up davening mussaf after 7 hours, does mincha still come first?
We see that he considers the possibility that we don't apply the rule of תדיר even just to avoid being considered a פושע so a fortiori [קל וחומר in Greek] that if the אינו תדיר will be completely lost he should opt for the אינו תדיר.
- The Pischei Tshuva [286/2] says that one תדיר takes precedence over 2 אינו תדיר's. But that is not a proof that one should fulfill the תדיר even when the אינו תדיר will be lost because in this case if he opts for the אינו תדיר's then the תדיר will be lost - so either way we are losing out on a mitzva/mitzvos. In such an instance the Pischei Teshuva ruled that the one תדיר takes precedence over the two אינו תדיר's.