A myse tzidkus:
Ever since I moved from Yerushalayim, I have missed being in Yerushalayim. Not that I don't like being where I am- but there is nothing like Yerushalayim. So from time to time, I go for Shabbos. Since I have no place to stay - I don't bring my family and happily manage on my own. I have asked quite a few people if they would be willing to lend me their apartment for Shabbos when they go away or if they would help me find other people who are going away - but to no avail.
When I am in New York and have a place to stay I get loads of invitations. When I am in Yerushalayim and have nowhere to stay I can't find one. Ahhhh - so is life.
This Motzei Shabbos someone approached me out of the blue and said that it would be his great pleasure to give me his apartment when he goes away for Shabbos. He took down my number and promised to call.
Is that a chesed???!!!!
G-d bless him and all of those who delight in performing acts of kindness for others. יהא חלקי עמהם.