לזכות אהובי רבי אפרים אבא בן מרים שושנה ובני ביתו
ואהובי ר' שמואל צבי בן ר' דוד עקיבא ובני ביתו
Where is the point in man where we see that Hashem created him? His breath! ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים ויהי האדם לנפש חיה - He breathed into him a soul of life and he became a living nefesh. Unkelos says that this נפש חיה is his רוח ממלא - his spirit of speech.
So when we BLOW the shofar, we crown Hashem as King at that point - breath - where we were created and He became King [Hashem's kingdom was established when He created man - on the sixth day we say after Adam Harishon ה' מלך גאות לבש. And in אדון עולם we say אדון עולם אשר מלך בטרם כל יציר נברא לעת נעשה בחפצו כל אזי מלך שמו נקרא].
We reconnect to that point of creation.
When we speak lashon hara or nivul peh or use our words to hurt others it is not just the harm we are causing that makes it so terrible but that we are violating the holiest and most G-dly part of our humanity!!