Sunday, June 2, 2019

Depression Passes - Link - Patience

90 years ago was the "Great Depression". 

There are very few people alive today who have any recollection of it. 

Which just goes to show - all depression passes....

Here is a shiur based on the Torah that Maran Ha-Rav ztz"l said that very year on Shabbos Bamidbar at his tisch [the Rav said it in Yiddish - the shiur is in Hebrew]. It is nothing less than MIND-BLOWING!! [If you are depressed - it should make you AWFULLY happy].

I have considered translating the Rav's Sichot into English because there is nothing like them. I am waiting for someone to commission it so we can get it out there - as I am waiting for people to sponsor so many other things I want to publish. So I wait patiently and when Hashem wants it to happen - it will. In the meantime my great brother, Ha-Gaon Rav Dovid Shlita has become a prolific author and he also manages to get the funding for his sefarim, so he is "מוציא" me!!