Look at the tfilla of יהי כבוד that we say daily in Psukei Di-zimra. It begins with praise of Hashem and then says that Hashem chose ציון:
"כי בחר ה' בציון אוה למושב לו".
Then to the praise of Am Yisrael:
"כי יעקב בחר לו י-ה ישראל לסגולתו".
Then the two choices in one!!
"כי לא יטוש ה' עמו ונחלתו לא יעזוב"
Hashem will not abandon His nation and his inheritance [i.e. Eretz Yisrael].
Hashem-Am-Yisrael-Eretz-Yisrael. A winning threesome [if I may say that...]!!