Thursday, September 22, 2022

A Messianic Vision ?

Before Rosh Hashana we receive endless requests for Tzdaka from every organization possible.

Understandable. ותשובה ותפילה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגירה. The Rambam paskens that the Aseres Yemei Teshuva is a time to increase our giving, each according to his means. $$$$$$$ooooooo giiiiiiive biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig time!! And Baruch Hashem so many options!!! And so easy and accessible. 

But wait!! What about all the people in need?? How about for every hundred Tzdaka email requests there is one saying "Inflation is insane. The cost of living is through the roof. Tuitions just keep going up-up-up!!!  How are you managing? Maybe you made a simcha recently that really set you back financially? WE ARE HERE TO HELP. Please call --------- or email ------- and we will do all we can to help get you through these trying times.. Don't be embarrassed. There are millions like you!!!"

Maybe - when Moshiach comes!!!! 

Mussar Haskel: If you are able and you know a person in need - you can send such an email [or ask the Rabbi of your shul if you can give him and he will pass it on]. WOW! Then you win the lamed vavnik award for this year!!!! A] For your interest and care for a possibly forgotten person and family. B] For the concrete help you provide. If you can't - then having a ratzon to do so ALSO counts for a lot. Good will means a LOT to Hashem and elevates your neshama!!!!!!!😀😘