Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Biden Was Calling Her Neshama/ High

WASHINGTON, United States — US President Joe Biden appeared Wednesday to believe that a congresswoman, whose death he had marked with a statement in August, was in the audience of a Washington event on food that she had helped launch.

“Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” Biden called into the crowd, referring to the late Republican congresswoman Jackie Walorski, who was part of the bipartisan group behind the White House health conference on food and diet.

“I think she was going to be here,” Biden said.

In fact, Walorski died in a car accident in August and Biden, the oldest president in history at 79 years old, issued a statement at the time saying he was “shocked and saddened.” Not to mention confused as to who she was and if he had ever met her.

Biden's spokeswoman explained that Biden is not only the best President the US has ever had for bringing things so HIGH - high inflation, high interest rates, high Mexicans crossing the border, high number of deaths from Covid and Covid vaccines etc. etc. high high high - but he also has the power to bring souls back from the dead. She referenced the story of the necromancer in the book of Samuel Chapter 28. She brought up Samuel from the dead while Pres. Biden brought back Jackie. "The Republicans are just jealous so they spread the story implying that Biden is going senile" she explained. A Republican senator who asked for anonymity explained that Biden is not going senile. He has been quite senile for a long time now.