Thursday, September 22, 2022

"Al Cheyt Shechatanu Lifanecha -- Technology Vidui"

Don't take this as a personal insult but by all means take this personally. This can be the year you break free!!!!

If you use technology only for the right reasons then the world exists in your zchus!!!  

Al Cheyt Shechatanu Lifanecha for..... 

Bringing my phone into the Beis HaMikdash Me'at, the shul.

Using my phone in the Beis Mikdash Me'at.

Answering the phone, sending texts and surfing the net in the middle of learning and davening wherever I happen to be - even not in shul. 

All the lashon hara, rechilus, motzi shem ra, nivul peh, images of immodestly dressed women that destroy my Neshama etc. etc. that I saw on my computer and phone. 

All the bittul zman where instead of learning and doing mitzvos, I watched and read nonsense on the computer.  

For being a member of whatapp groups that in no way contribute to Avodas Hashem. On the contrary.... 

For being too lax with my children's use of technology.

All the times people sent me emails or texts and awaited a response and I ignored them.

For all the AMAZING things I could have done with my technology and didn't such send around the name of a choleh to daven for or other mitzvos. 

All the times I wasn't fully present with my spouse, children, others and [אחרון אחרון חביב] Hashem b/c I was immersed in technology. 

Add your own.