Saturday, January 21, 2023

"Extremist Right Wing Knesset Member"

The media has this habit of labeling politicians before quoting them - making sure that whatever they say will be disregarded. 

"Extreme right wing Kahanist member of Knesset said yesterday that the world is round". And you begin to wonder if the world is really round. I mean, if this "mishigina" said that it is then it must not be. 

Who is to decide who is "extreme" or "radical"? And who says that extremists and radicals aren't privy to the truth. 

I am radical and extremist. Extremely. I believe that all that matters is the will of Hashem. Nothing else. EXTREME!!! I believe that one should NEVER rob or murder. Crazzyyyy!!! 

Avraham Avinu was an extremist. Smashing gods right and left!! So was Moshe Rabbeinu. Not eating or drinking for 40 days? C'mon. That is going too faaaarrr!!!! 

"Extremist Ultra Orthodox [another marginalizing label] blogger states that all that matters is G-d. In addition - this fanatic does not turn on lights or use a telephone for 25 hours a week. In addition to TENS OF THOUSANDS of other strange ancient, antiquated [again - judging] laws he follows".