Monday, January 30, 2023

Gimmel Shvat

Last week was the third of Shvat. This day is the Yahrtzeit of HaGaon Rav Moshe Soloveitchik ztz"l. Son of Rav Chaim, Grandson of the Beis Halevi, father of Rav Yoshe Ber and most importantly - a Gadol Bi-Yisrael in his own right.  

On this day, his son Rav Yoshe Ber/Yosef Dov, would fill the Lamport Auditorium [where I spent time myself in later years, during which I would sit hoping that I would be released from the spiritual obligations and be able to finally go across the street to "Grandma's Cookies" and treat my skinny body to what it deserved - fattening, sweet cookies!!!] with Jews of all types who thirstily imbibed in his extremely long presentation [4 or 5 hours, they say] of lomdus and divrei drush המתוקים מדבש ונופש צופים! 

NO PHONES, no interruptions, no fluff. Pure Torah from one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. מי כעמך ישראל who attended this shiur and listened with great thirst! No payment. No personal material gain. Torah for Torah's sake in the greatest Brisker tradition. Today we have written records of these masterpieces collected in among other places "שיעורים לזכר אבי מרי". 

But what about today? Could ANYBODY attract such a crowd [of "balebatim"!!!] to hear such a long, complex talk? Maybe - Ben Shapiro.... But I can't think of anyone else. Can anyone in the so called "MO" community [or maybe any community] give a shiur on that level both on the lomdus and drush sides?? I fear not. 

This is NOOOOOOT a knock on the Rabbonim of today. יפתח בדורו כשמואל בדורו!!! Each generation has their Rabbonim who pass on the Mesorah and they must be revered. There are many great Talmidei Chachomim walking around. אשרי העם שככה לו!!!!!! I won't name names but they are well known. BARUCH HASHEM!!! לא אלמן ישראל. We have Giants in our midst [not to mention in Met Life Stadium]! 

My point is to praise Rav Soloveitchik who by the force of his personality, charisma and scholarship was able to captivate so many people and serve as the unquestioned leader of a very large community of observant Jews. Today there are many leaders of smaller groups but no "go to Gadol" on the major issues of our day. All that remains is the endless speculation on "what would the Rav say"?  

In the so called "Torah World" [called that b/c they learn a LOT of Torah and also in general try their best to follow it:-)] there is almost no authority who most people bow to as it was in the time of Rav Moshe Feinstein in America. 

So let us remember with fondness and yearning the Gedolim of yesteryear and while following our present day Rabbonim, continue learning the Torah of our Chachmei HaMesorah who are no longer here in their physical form.