Saturday, January 21, 2023

Two Camps?/ Brisk/ Ahavas Torah/ Respect

Four comments [among many] that I have about this thought provoking interview

1] Asserting that there are but two camps - the Torah camp and the non-Torah camp, seems to this nobody [certainly compared to the Gaon Rosh HaYeshiva R"M Shlita] to be skirting very fundamental issues in theology and Avodas Hashem. I don't think people should be labeled b/c people are far too complex for trite labels but issues should be defined and examined. Relationship to secular studies, Goyim, the Medina, a woman's place in the modern world, learning chasidus, mussar etc. etc. etc. Then there is how we view Hashgacha, the amount of Hishtadlus required, view of the value and uses of leisure time, proper chinuch for children etc. etc. are also central. It doesn't mean that we should like/love each other less. It means that we should sharpen our understanding of what Hashem wants of us. 

To give but one example: Briskers are Shomrei Torah and Breslovers are Shomrei Torah but about the only thing they have in common is that they start with a "B". [Exaggeration but you get my point].    

2] Rabbi Goldberg made numerous refences to a video Yeshivas T"M put out. The video emphasizes again and again that the RY has the "True Mesorah" of Brisk which he received from his uncle RYB"S who received it from his father Rav Moshe [whose yahrtzeit is this week] who received it DIRECTLY from his father Rav Chaim. We have the TRUE MESORAH!! That was the message. 

I have nothing against Brisk. Most of my learning is in that direction [as I understand it and take into account that my understanding is woefully inadequate]. I love it and it is my true parnassa. It pays me MUCH MUCH BETTER than anything money can buy. It gives me Chiyus and Chaim from Toras Hashem. But to put things into perspective - The Torah was given 3,300 years ago. This Mesorah started in the lifetime of my grandfather. Torah is vast, has a long history and there are many approaches. Brisk captured the Torah world today and that is רצון הבורא. But that doesn't negate other approaches. One of my "virtual" Rabbeim, a Rebbe of my actual Rabbeim, is Rav Avraham Genechovski זצוק"ל. He was a Gan-Gan-Gan-Hageonim [and a צדיק נשגב on top of that] and yet was totally not Brisk in his learning. Even within Brisk today I am guessing [knowing Jews as I do] that there are numerous approaches. [Not that the video negated anybody else but one could get the idea that true Torah can only be found in Brisk. As a matter of fact there is an expression in the Yeshiva World (the real one - not the website that is anything BUT the Yeshiva World) about פאר מתן תורה and נאך מתן תורה relating to the period of the Brisker Revolution]. 

3] R"M learned with his uncle daily from 9am to 7pm straight w/o a break. For that you have to have a LOT of Ahavas HaTorah. עלינו ועל כל ישראל אמן!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4] Rabbis Goldberg and Broide were so respectful of their guest. Respect is a good thing.