Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Benefits Of Love

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.


 We think we can find happiness by searching for it directly; perhaps a cruise around the world or winning the state lottery will do the trick. As it turns out, the outward expression of our deepest selves is what gives us true happiness—and keeps us healthy as well. 

There's a famous study in which elderly people in a nursing home were each given a plant. Half the group were told that they must care for the plant—pay close attention to what the plant needs: food, water, sunshine—and respond to those needs. The other half were told that the plant was theirs to enjoy, but the nursing- home staff would take care of it. After a year, researchers compared the two groups and found that those who had cared for their plants were much more physically and emotionally healthy than the group who hadn't been responsible for their plants' welfare. Similar studies show that caring for a pet strengthens the immune system. If the simple act of caring for a flower can produce both health and happiness, there must be something essential in our mind/body system that craves the chance to nurture and support growth of all kind. 

Put more simply, our very organism needs to love to stay alive—and that love can be expressed in myriad ways that take virtually no time or energy. What ways does your body and soul long to express love right now? What can you do, in this moment, no matter your circumstances, to meet that innermost need?