Sunday, January 22, 2023

Questions For The Nazir

The "Rav HaNazir" Rav Dovid Cohen ztz'"l had one major personal goal in life - to become a Navi. To that end he became a Nazir and a vegetarian - when he actually ate which was often not the case. He also slept very little and lived a very ascetic life almost never leaving his home for decades - sort of like Corona-Biddud for life.  

Did he ever actually achieve his goal and receive Nevuah? We don't know but it seems that he had some Ruach Hakodesh. 

In his biography the story is told of how Rabbi Dr. Lamm once came to his house to ask a list of questions that were bothering him. [Should the Macs go division one? Should the YU caf. raise its prices? How can we make the locals like the Jews more? Should we make Spanish class mandatory?? Should we start having arranged marriages between YU boys and Stern girls to solve the shidduch crisis? None of those....] First the Nazir gave a shiur and then Rabbi Lamm planned to ask his questions. After the shiur he didn't have to ask. He explained that the Nazir had answered all of his questions over the course of the shiur...