Sunday, March 10, 2024

68,000 Jews Being Led To Serious Sins

"To pressure Orthodox men into granting their wives a Jewish divorce, activists have picketed outside their homes, marched through their synagogues and buffeted their rabbis with letters and phone calls.

Now, a prominent influencer is targeting their bedrooms, with a call to Orthodox women to withhold sex from their husbands.

A--- S---, known as Flatbush Girl by her 68,000 followers on Instagram, is calling it a “Mikvah Strike”.

“We know that Friday night, Shabbos, is mitzvah night,” she said in an Instagram story Wednesday, referring to the tradition of fulfilling the commandment of marital intimacy on Shabbat. “Please call your husband and tell him: I’m sorry. I am closed for business this Shabbos. If you want to have relations with me, please figure out a way to help free Malky.”


First of all - it is against Halacha for a woman to deny her husband sexual relations. So this "social media influencer" is a מחטיאה את הרבים with all that entails רח"ל [see Avos 5-18 and much more].

In addition - in order to help one woman receive a get she is trying her hardest to cause shalom bayis problems in thousands and thousands of homes with all that entails רח"ל. 

If I were a real Rav, I would put her in cherem [after consulting with other real Rabbonim....].    

Simply reprehensible. 

Mussar Haskel: 

1] Beware of "social media influencers". Our influencers are Tanach, Chazal and the Chachmei and Tzadikei HaDoros. Not treif, corrupt, Internet and publicity addicts.

2] Please your spouse. In the bedroom and out. Shalom Bayis is a core Jewish value. 

3] We also wish "Malki" Hatzlacha in obtaining a Get and doubtless many good people are working towards this noble end.