Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How Much For A Lo Taaseh?

The Rema [Yo"d 157/1] rules based on the Raavad and Ran that one must give ALL of his money in order not to transgress a lo taaseh. He then cites the Mahari Veil that one need not spend money in order to prevent someone from doing an aveirah even if they will be guilty for the aveirah that his fellow commits. One who looks in the Mahari Veil will see that he rules that only for Avodah Zara must one spend all of one's money in order not to transgress - but not other lo taaseh's.

Wait! How can the Rema first rule that one must give all of one's money in order not to transgress a lo taaseh and then in the very same passage rule that one need not? [See the Gra there].