Sunday, July 12, 2015

Off The Derech

An number of years ago a famous Jewish reggae star publicly announced that he was going off the derech. Now, another famous entertainer has announced that he is going off the derech. He will still keep some of the mitzvos but others he will no longer keep [such as negiya. Interesting how whenever people stop being religious, negiya is always the FIRST prohibition that they drop. Why not drinking blood or eating bugs??].

The problem with performers is that people become connected to the person even though all he is just a performer and far from being a religious model. In Torah, the models are the scholars who devote themselves to spiritual pursuits. The entire thrust of the entertainment industry is antithetical to our values. There it is all about pleasure, fun, excitement etc. Jewish music concerts look EXACTLY like rock concerts, with the smoke and lighting, the heavy beats, the ear shattering decibal levels etc.

Sweetest friends, you want ruchniyus? Go to the tzadikim. You want music? Go to a tisch and sing with the chasidim or any shaleshudes in a good place. The real world of Torah is about modesty, purity, humility, knowledge and everything that brings one closer to Hashem. Everything "out there" that has different goals and a different value system is not for us.

Including the Jewish "rock music" scene.

I do not intend to imply that all performers are bad people and should be avoided. I do intend to say that why attach oneself to a performer when you could attach yourself to the "real thing"?! Klal Yisrael has tzadikim and talmidei chachomim, Baruch Hashem. Learn with them and from them. Become one yourself. Save the world.

The whole world can stand on the deeds of one person. Be that person.