Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Fingernail Of A Jewish Child

I received an email regarding this shiur about entering a church in order to save Jewish children [listen to the story at the 17:50 mark about Rav Herzog and then Rav Kook זכר צדיקים לברכה].

It reminded me of the famous line of Rav Aharon Kotler. He was criticized for joining forces with the [in]famous Reform leader Dr. Stephen Wise in his hatzoloh efforts during the war.

Rav Aharon responded to his critics by saying "איך וואלט משתטח געווען פארן פויפס צו ראטיוין די ניגעל פין א יידישע קינד" -  I would bow down in front of the Pope in order to save the fingernail of a Jewish child. 
[Related by his daughter Rebbetzin Schwartzman in Living Mishnas Aharon page 132]
May I humbly suggest and recommend the series on Holocaust responsa. It is PERFECT for this time of year. The churban of Europe is a continuation of the churban ha-bayis. When the bayis is rebuilt there will be no more חורבנות.