Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Churban In Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh

Today I took my two little girls [Libi 8 and Adina 4] to Yerushalayim to visit my parents. Little did we know that the "Toeva parade" was going on. Hundreds of people celebrating the fact that they have sex with their own gender [why is this something to be proud of? Historically many people would hide this. What used to be considered a sin is now a source of pride] and will thus never have natural families and biological descendants while at the same time causing tremendous anguish to many of their parents [I know a few families with such children]. 

We got stuck. No cabs available. Buses off course. We ending up traveling for four hours, much of this time by foot - and never made it to our destination. Thousands like me had nightmares today trying to get anywhere. 

But that is nothing compared to the mammoth חילול השם that took place. In the Eretz Hakdosha in the Ir Hakodesh, an onslaught against kedusha, the traditional family structure and the most basic standards of modesty.   

The שכינה dwells on holy families [Kiddushin 70b]. This parade celebrated the opposite. What is allowed to happen [with governmental permission] in this country is a חורבן in ruchniyos. 

We can full throatedly say today:

"אזכרה א-לוהים ואהמיה \ בראותי כל עיר על תילה בנויה \ ועיר הא-לוהים מושפלת עד שאול תחתיה \ ובכל זאת אנו לי-ה ועינינו לי-ה".