Regarding this post:
Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Ha-Rav Hutner ztz"l in his classic "Toras Nazir" [עמ' י"ג] proves from the Ran in Nedarim [83b] that the Minchas Chinuch is not correct and in fact Nezirus CAN take effect partially when the whole Nezirus cannot take effect.
The Ran writes [ד"ה אמרי] when talking about a case where maybe the husband only revoked her nezirus regarding wine but not regarding Tumah. This is possible because:
"... דאיתא לאיסור טומאה בלא איסור שאר דיני נזירות".
There can be an איסור טומאה without the other laws of nezirus!
So the answer of the M.C. [to his question on the Rashba] that we can NEVER say that nezirus should take effect on Tumah [and shaving] alone and therefore also takes effect on wine is not so. Nezirus CAN take effect on Tumah alone, as the Ran makes clear. See the sugya for a better understanding.
The walls of the Beis Medrash are SHAKING!!!