The word for grave is "שאול" [as in העלית משאול נפשי] - the same as "ask. What is the connection?
A בור is an ignoramous [אבות - אין בור ירא חטא]. What is the difference between a בור and an עם הארץ?
What is the connection between the בור-person and the בור-pit and the בור-field [an unplanted field].
What is the difference between העלית מן שאול נפשי [you raised my soul from the grave] and חייתני מיורדי בור [you gave me life from falling into the pit]? It seems like it is saying the same thing twice??!
Does Hashem REALLY notice LITTLE ME when there are billons of other human beings besides me - not to to mention all of the animals and plant life??!!!!!!!!!