Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Charles Barkley And Helping Jews Make Pesach

Former NBA star Charles Barkley and now commentator recently revealed on national TV that he is dieting b/c his daughter Christiana is marrying a Jewish boy ["Ilya Hoffman"] and he heard that Jews carry around the father of the bride in a chair [limyseh - sometimes yes and sometimes no] so he wants to be slim and thus easier to lift. 

He also revealed that he told his daughter that she has a choice - Either a fancy expensive wedding and small wedding gift or a more simple wedding and a generou$$$$$ wedding gift. She chose the latter. 

A few comments. 

1] About 70 percent of our people are marrying out. We should be aware and feel the pain of losing so many of our people. And those who can do something about it - should!! 

2] The "Chosson's" friends and family will keep the "Jewish custom" to lift up the father of the "Kallah" but the Chosson won't keep the no less important Jewish custom to marry a Jewish girl. How utterly sad. 

3] I was wondering how much money Charlie has that compelled him to skimp either on the wedding or the gift. 

Chuck is worth an estimated 50 MILLION DOLLARSSSSSS!! Throwing a ball in a net while wearing undergarments and also talking about whether the ball went into the net can be PROFITABLE endeavors. [I have done a lot of both in my life and nobody wants to give ME a PENNY!! Anti-Semitism!!!]. 

So why can't he give his only child the wedding of her dreams and ALSO give her a generous gift??? Why either-or???

My attempts to contact Chaim [maybe he will convert and change his name] were unsuccessful. So if you see him - ask him.  But POLITELY. We don't wanna get him MAAAAAADDDDD. 

4] We Jews might skimp when it comes to our own needs but not when it comes to the needs of others. Or so it should be. 

Rambam [Yom Tov 6-18]: 

When a person eats and drinks [in celebration of a holiday], he is obligated to feed converts, orphans, widows, and others who are destitute and poor. In contrast, a person who locks the gates of his courtyard and eats and drinks with his children and his wife, without feeding the poor and the embittered, is [not indulging in] rejoicing associated with a mitzvah, but rather the rejoicing of his gut.

And with regard to such a person [the verse, Hoshea 9:4] is applied: "Their sacrifices will be like the bread of mourners, all that partake thereof shall become impure, for they [kept] their bread for themselves alone." This happiness is a disgrace for them, as [implied by Malachi 2:3]: "I will spread dung on your faces, the dung of your festival celebrations."

We are living in the Covid era. There are PLLEEEENNNTTTYYYY of Yiddin who don't have for Pesach.