Thursday, March 25, 2021

Cuomo's Plea

NY Gov. Cuomo directed health officials to prioritize the governor’s own family and figures with ties to his administration in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, the Albany Times-Union reported.

Cuomo’s brother, mother and one of his sisters were among those who allegedly received priority tests in March 2020.

The bombshell report emerged as Cuomo faces calls to resign after eight women, including current and former aides, accused him of harassment or misconduct. The NYS Attorney General’s Office and the State Assembly are investigating the claims.

Cuomo's reaction in a press conference: "We all know the yesoid: אין דבר העומד בפני התשובה. Cut me some slack. הודאה על החטא, חרטה, וקבלה להבא. I acknowledge my misdoings. I regret them. I accept upon myself not to repeat them in the future. I will treat women with dignity. I will not prioritize my family. I don't even like my brother. I bichlal hate CNN. My mother? Gimme a break!! Who wouldn't worry first about their old widowed mother. We are all human. Let us find forgiveness in our hearts. This can really kill my shidduch opportunities for the future."