Saturday, March 6, 2021

Life Hack - [Over]Eating Part 2

1] People feel that they need to FILL their plates. So use SMALL plates!!! 

2] If you followed the guidance of the previous post and decided that you should lower your food intake and are afraid that you will starve - DON'T WORRY!!! Promise yourself that if you eat a smaller amount now - in an hour or two you will be allowed to eat a little bit more. This will be good for both body and soul!!! 

3] Remember מאכל is an acronym for מתי איך כמה למה - WHEN are you eating, HOW are you eating [while walking around or sitting etc.], HOW MUCH you are eating [NOT TOO MUCH!] and WHY you are eating [NOT b/c you are bored or anxious etc.].