Monday, March 8, 2021

Is It Smart To Have A Smartphone?

There are many incredible benefits of a smartphone. I need not tell you b/c you probably have one and likely are reading this on your device. 

I am not minimizing the benefits. 

But I DO want to make a point. 

When frum kids go off the derech, in approx. 100 percent of the cases, one of the first steps is to buy a phone. 

In other words - when a person wants to abandon Hashem and religious observance and jump into a lifestyle of מילוי תאוות [gratifying desires and lusts], a basic step is buying a phone.

That says a LOT. 

I Baruch Hashem don't have a phone, have never had a phone and hopefully will never have a phone. Not b/c I am a Tzadik. On the contrary, I am much closer to the other pole. But I find that people with phones often lack menuchas hanefesh and are constantly involved with their phones. Not walking around with a phone allows much needed peace of mind and allows one to focus inward and not outward.