There are a lot of bad things on the Internet but also a lot of positive [as we all know. Just one minor example. Very very minor!!!!].
Here is a positive: Many people live in a bubble. They have their problems, concerns, worries, jobs, families etc. etc. It is hard to notice others when one is so self absorbed. The Internet allows one to see the entire world at once. Our personal problems are but a minute-sheh-bi-minute fraction of the world's problems. There are basic things that we totally take for granted that millions of people lack. There is a big world out there.
This is not meant to minimize our own struggles. We all have serious challenges. Life is not easy. And it doesn't seem to get any easier. I always think [mistakenly!!!! Silly Billy!!! Or "Sally Ally"!!!] that when "this" happens, then things will be easier. Well, "this" often doesn't happen and in the meantime new, unexpected difficulties arise. ברווווךךך השםםםםם!!!! So our first priority is dealing with our personal stuff. But we must never lose sight of the fact that we are not the only ones having a rough time. There are endless amounts of physical and mental illness, financial struggles, marriages and children that cause a lot of distress, lonely people etc. etc. etc. The list is toooooo loooonnngggg. We should constantly strive to refine and sharpen our sense of empathy.
That being said - we are Jews. ישראל comes from the word שרית - to battle ["כי שרית עם אלהים ואנשים ותוכל"]. We are battlers. We ALSO never give up hope. That is why we daven daily for the complete redemption of mankind and perfection of the world. We KNOW that there is a hidden Divine plan in this crazzzzyyyy world of תהוה ובוהו and our job is to partner with the Ribbono Shel Olam in bringing about the Utopia the world will eventually be. So we live on a constant state of SIMCHA!!!!