Sunday, September 4, 2022

Suing YU

 Let us say that a group of boys in YU wanted to start a chaburah to learn daf yomi [or Ktzos Hachoshen or Minchas Chinuch or any other Torah topic]. They approached the administration and asked for a room and funding to conduct this chaburah. The administration felt that this would impede the growth of the students b/c they would not be able to focus sufficiently on shiur and on their secular studies. So they withheld their support. 

The boys weren't happy. So they hired top lawyers and sued the university. They tried to bring the university down b/c they denied them the right to learn. מי לה' אלי!!!!! 

That would be EVIL!!! The university/yeshiva has an educational philosophy and even though it may not be correct it is morally corrupt to attempt to destroy the institution when they adhere to their philosophy. You don't like it? Go to Lakewood or anywhere else where they will let you do what you want. It is a big world.

I say this in the context of the homosexual club suit against YU. It is evil. A simply disgusting and rotten thing to do. They understand full well that this is an Orthodox institution [notwithstanding what some more to the right might say....:-)]. They understand full well that homosexuality is fully contrary to Jewish law. Yet they are trying to destroy the institution [including all the bad publicity] from within. You want to have sexual relations with other boys? You want to dress like girls? GO TO JUST ABOUT ANY OTHER UNIVERSITY IN THE USA. Go not so many blocks downtown to Columbia. They are super left wing. They love this stuff. But don't wage war against the flagship MO institution in the world. That is nothing to take "Pride" in. 

What is even crazier is that these people can have their משכב זכר, they can have their club and they can still stay in YU. All they have to do is not make it "official". But no. They need the validation so badly they will sue for it.

This confirms the age old rule that once a person is not bound to rules of morality then any breach is possible. It starts with משכב זכר and continues with trying to ruin YU. 


PS - I don't get paid by YU or have any association with them [other than a few shiurim on their website]. I am also not a graduate. They never accepted me and I never applied. I did spend a year and change at MTA and I am sure that the school is not proud of that.