Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Person Who Was Mafkir An Unidentified Field - Citi-Field

לזכות ר' אריה בן דבורה לברכה והצלחה 

When a person was מפקיר one of his fields but doesn't specify which one, it is forbidden for anyone to take any one of the fields because המוציא מחברו עליו הראיה and the זוכה has to prove that the field he took was the one that was מופקר [which he can't] so "Sorry Charlie" [which is my middle name. "Elchonon Sorry Ehrman". No actually Charlie. In Shaarei Tzedak Hospital there is a whole floor, the 8th, named "Charlies Floor" which I very much which I had paid for. Thank you Mr. Bendheim z"l].  

The question is when someone took ALL of the fields, if he must return ALL of them or maybe he can say that one of them is his because he already took a field and he can say "I will return them all and leave one by me".

This might depend on the machlokes in Yevamos [37b] whether we reconsider the psak in light of new circumstances. If we say קם דינא and don't reconsider, then we say "Buddy, give him back his fields. You had no right to take them in the first place". But if we say הדר דינא then we can reconsider our original psak in light of the new circumstances that the מוחזק was זוכה and we thus let him keep a field of his choice.  

 [Here is the gemara:

ספק ובני יבם שבאו לחלוק בנכסי יבם לבתר דפלג יבם בנכסי מיתנא, בני יבם אמרי אייתי ראיה דאחונא את ושקול אמר להו ספק מה נפשייכו אי אחוכון אנא הבו לי מנתא בהדייכו ואי בר מיתנא אנא הבו לי פלגא דפלג אבוכון בהדאי. ר' אבא אמר רב קם דינא ר' ירמיה אמר הדר דינא. ]

Now we have the following question: May the מפקיר take מעשר עני in an instance where all of the fields together are worth 200 hundred zuz [which makes him too well off for מעשר עני]. 

The צדדים are: On one hand, one field is really not his so he is eligible for מעשר עני because he in fact has less than 200 zuz. On the other hand, since he can use all of them maybe he is ineligible to receive מעשר עני. 

It would seem that since, tachlis, he can use all of the fields he is considered well off and thus ineligible to receive מעשר עני. 

[מאוצרות הגר"א גנחובסקי]

If one of the fields was Citi-Field it is מסתבר that he wasn't מפקיר that one. Like - good investment to have:-). 
