Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I Am NOT Complaining - What Is The Secret? -THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!

The Jews in the desert complained. It wasn't a happy ending for them.

So just asking. 

A Torah website is having an on-line fundraiser to raise 50 thousand dollars in one day. They are 75 percent of the way there. KEYN YIRBU!!!  Hope they raise triple that!!!

But when I tried to raise for my website [which we are very busy working on and coming towards the completion] barely 3 thousand dollars were raised in 2 months [short of the five thousand needed].  

So I say like this - EVERYTHING given for Torah is SUPER-DUPER-DUPER-DUPER. I am not in competition with anybody. We all work for the same Ribbono Shel Olam. Same team. Same team Owner.

But what is the secret of so many causes that raise so much more than I am able to for the causes for which I fundraise?

In their email they say "... as a token of appreciation for your generous donation you can receive raffle tickets to win fabulous prizes such as a paid vacation to anywhere in the US, a complete set of ArtScroll Shas, and much more, and also receive free gifts with a minimum donation."

Maybe it is because I don't do raffles, sweepstakes, offer prizes, hire public relations companies, promise people that every dollar they give will be matched etc. etc. That might have a lot to do with it. 

So what I want to say to those who gave - YOU DIDN'T DO IT FOR PRIZES SUCH AS PAID VACATIONS ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. AND MUCH MORE. You gave because you are a kind hearted person who cares about Hashem and His Torah. And for THAT your giving is worth so much more and will be rewarded with more than a trip to sunny Palm Springs or a rustic area of Montana. לנצח נצח נצח נצחים. And more importantly - you gave Hashem nachas ruach.  

So thank you for being my partner in spreading the Light!!!!


ME 