Saturday, August 11, 2018

Is There A Dress Code In Halacha - Links

A few years ago a professor of physics wrote an article in a journal called "Akdamot" [published by the liberal "Beit Morasha" institute] claiming that there are no standards for a dress code according to Halacha. You can look it up if you want. [I went to his website where I found that when he is not writing articles trying to convince people that they can dress however they want and researching physics, he is מבזה גדולי ישראל in a horrific way.] 

Here  is a rejoinder from a young, brilliant Talmid Chochom named Rav Yehoshua Inbal [who, I would surmise, owns a fancy hotel on the side?] who runs this site which is the best kiruv-answer-the-apikorsim-site on the Internet [even though I have qualms with some of the content - but it is his site, he is a talmid chochom and free country:-)]. 

The article is long, over 14,000 words, which is an even better reason to read it. Anything one reads that takes him or her out of the superficiality of our twitter generation is worthwhile.