Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Vegans - The Sequel

About this post:

In fact, Mishpacha received many strongly worded letters protesting against the publication of the piece on the Vegans.

Here is an excerpt from one: 

"Their  worldview is uncomfortably in conflict with many halachos, and no matter how badly they try to corroborate their thought process with Chazal, their efforts come off as pathetic attempts to cover their tracks. I only hope that when Mashiach comes b’karov, they won’t throw Eliyahu Hanavi off his donkey, and protest outside the Beis Hamikdash against the korbanos being brought inside the walls.

[Strange. Where does it say that Eliyahu Hanavi will ride on a donkey? It is actually Moshiach who will ride on a donkey. In the Old City the joke was - Why does Moshiach come on a donkey and not in a car? Because he wouldn't be able to find parking for his car in the Old City so he comes instead with a donkey]. 

The "Rabbinical Board" defended themselves by saying that the article was printed in the Israeli Mishpacha with nary a response from the readers but that they will be more careful in the future. It is a wonder how the Rabbinical Board of the Hebrew Mishpacha let an article be published which advances an anti-Torah attitude.