Monday, August 6, 2018

When Is One Obligated On ביאת מקדש? - A SWEEET Proof For Our Principle

 לזכות ר' שמואל אליעזר בן שושנה רייזל
זיווג הגון במהרה

Continuing the thought.....

We have a proof for this idea in the Yerushalmi [Nazir Perek Kohen Gadol]: 

There is a machlokes if a person who touched a sword that touched a corpse is חייב on ביאת מקדש. One opinion holds that he is not while the other opinion holds that he is until he goes to mikva at which point he becomes a טבול יום and is no longer חייב. The latter opinion requires our attention and scrutiny [as do our children!!]. In Talmudic terminology "ממה נפשך" - If the only way he is חייב is if he touches the corpse itself then he shouldn't be חייב even without טבילה במקוה. And if it is sufficient that he touch the sword that came into contact with the corpse to be rendered טמא מת then how does going to mikva help - he remains a טבול יום and should be חייב on ביאת מקדש like every other טבול יום. 

In ancient Latin we say "nicht dahir nicht daher"!! 

So we refer back to Rebbi Abba ztz"l: The opinion who says that he is פטור if he touches a sword that touched a מת is NOT because he holds that it is necessary that he touch a מת but because he holds that in order to be חייב for ביאת מקדש one needs to be inherently טמא with the אב הטומאה like a person who touched a corpse. In lumdishe shprach - He needs to become טמא with the עצם חפצא of טומאת מת. But a person who touches a sword that touched a corpse doesn't become inherently טמא like the corpse but merely acquires those dinim that apply to a corpse i.e. that he is מטמא אדם וכלים. That is not enough to obligate him in ביאת מקדש.

The other opinion that holds that he is חייב for touching the sword understands that it is enough that a person have the dinim of טומאת אב and he doesn't need to be inherently טמא on that level. But after he goes to a good kosher mikva, he loses the dinim of a טמא מת [i.e. he is no longer מטמא אדם וכלים] and he was also not inherently טמא with טומאת מת from the start, so there is no reason for him to be חייב anymore!! He has neither the dinim of a טמא מת nor the עצם חפצא of that טומאה. This is in contrast to someone who touches a מת itself where he loses the dinim of a טמא מת after טבילה במקוה but retains the עצם חפצא of טומאה and is thus חייב on ביאת מקדש.