It was the last Yom Kippur in the life of the Mashgiach of Chevron, R' Leib Chasman. He is walking slowly with his Talmidim and tells them the following [about the Haftorah]: When there is a storm on the ship, Yonah says "שאוני והטילוני אל הים" - Lift me up and throw me into the sea. Why, asked R' Leib, did he not just say "הטילוני אל הים" - Throw me in the sea. Why the extra word "שאוני" lift me up?
He answered: We must appreciate the value of that extra SECOND that he stays alive and says "שאוני". In that extra second he can be elevated - "שאוני" - Lift me up. Every SECOND is an opportunity for elevation!!!