Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Every Second

It was the last Yom Kippur in the life of the Mashgiach of Chevron, R' Leib Chasman. He is walking slowly with his Talmidim and tells them the following [about the Haftorah]: When there is a storm on the ship, Yonah says "שאוני והטילוני אל הים" - Lift me up and throw me into the sea. Why, asked R' Leib, did he not just say "הטילוני אל הים" - Throw me in the sea. Why the extra word "שאוני" lift me up? 

He answered: We must appreciate the value of that extra SECOND that he stays alive and says "שאוני". In that extra second he can be elevated - "שאוני" - Lift me up. Every SECOND is an opportunity for elevation!!!