This is unbelievable. In 1960 Rafi Pozen z"l [I knew him well for the many years I lived in the Old City. His apartment was next to the back stairs that lead to the Kotel. He is a mechutan w/ Rav H. Schachter Shlita] wanted to attend Kerem Bi-yvne in order to combine Torah study w/ army service. His cousin, a big Talmid Chochom and Ra"m [Rav Uri Kellerman ztz"l], tried to convince him to attend a Yeshiva where he would just learn. So young Rafi asked - of all people - the Steipler Gaon. If there were odds in Las Vegas - 10,000 to one that he will tell him that he MUST just learn in Yeshiva and chas vi-shalom to go to the army.
Here was his response - word for word: