Sunday, September 11, 2022

Where Does The Woman Spit?

 I once heard the head of a post high school learning program explaining to the boys what chalitza is. He said that the woman spits in the man's face. 馃槻馃槻

I heard a rabbi on line explain what chalitza is. He seemed a bit unclear himself but managed to explain that she spits in his shoe [if my memory serves me correctly].

The pasuk says "讜讬专拽讛 讘驻谞讬讜". So that COULD be translated that she spits in his face. But Rashi says that she spits in the ground in front of him. 

The Ibn Ezra brings our tradition that it means in front of him as in 诇驻谞讬讜. The he says  注诇 讚专讱 讛驻砖讟 that it means that she spits in front of the shoe. 

I found the commentary of Rav Dovid Tzvi Hoffman interesting. 

  讜讬专拽讛 讘驻谞讬讜 – 诇驻讬 诪讙讬诇转 转注谞讬转 驻专拽 讚 驻讬专砖讜 讛爪讚讜拽讬诐, 砖爪专讬讻讛 诇专讜拽 诇转讜讱 驻谞讬讜 诪诪砖, 讜讗讞专讬讛诐 谞诪砖讻讜 讛诪转讞讻诪讬诐 讛讞讚砖讬诐, 讜诪住讬讬注讬诐 讗转 讚讘专讬讛诐 诪讘诪讚讘专 讬״讘:讬״讚 讜讬砖注讬讛讜 谞׳:讜׳. 讗讜诇诐 讘讗诪转 讙诐 砖诐 讗讬谉 讻诇 专讗讬讛 砖讻讜讜谞转 讛讻转讜讘 诇讬专讬拽讛 诇转讜讱 讛驻谞讬诐 诪诪砖. 讗讘诇 讘诪讻讬诇转讗 (讛砖讜讛 诪讚专砖 转谞讗讬诐) 讛砖讬讘讜 讘转讜拽祝 注诇 讗讜转讜 驻讬专讜砖 爪讚讜拽讬, 讜讛讘讬讗讜 专讗讬讜转 砖驻讬专讜砖讜 ״讘驻谞讬讜 — 注诇 讛讗专抓״. 

So about that program head I can say "讘专讜讱 砖讻讬讜讜谉 诇讚注转 讛爪讚讜拽讬诐"!!!!!!!!!!!!!馃槂馃憤

Note: We all make mistakes. I make loads of them. It's OK. As they say in Spanish: Nicht geferlach.....