."לפעמים יש עוד אור של ילדות מבורכת גם אצל הבאים בשנים"
"Sometimes the light of the blessed childhood still remains with older people"
Igros Haraayah 3/19
The most pursued quality in this world is HAPPINESS. Everybody wants it - but many find it elusive. My idea is that we are TOO adult like and should try to restore more child like qualities.
Some qualities I see in children more than in adults. This is just my list. You can have your own. [In the spirit of full disclosure my secret dream is to be a nursery school teacher and just play and dance with 4 year old children all morning.]
Little children aren't "too busy" to play. Either should we be.
Little children laugh easily - so should we.
Little children are completely themselves - we should be too.
Little children cry when they are sad - we should also.
Little children crave attention - we also need attention and we should realize that.
Little children live with wonder - we should also.
Little children aren't cynical or suspicious of others - we should be a LITTLE less cynical and a LITTLE less suspicious.
Little children don't have an inflated sense of importance thinking that people should listen to them because only they truly understand. We should have a little of that too.
Little children are sweet. Adults could use some of that sweetness. The world would be a better place.
Little children are pure - we could use some of that purity.