Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gratitude - Self Appointment - Survival

I generally don't like to publicly confess my sins. Frankly - it's embarrassing. However, I will make an exception now.

I often take things for granted. Example: 13 years ago today I had a healthy baby boy [my wife helped...:-)]. I was ecstatic. But as time progressed I began to take Avi for granted and to tell Hashem that he should really give me more children. I knew that every morning he would wake up and every day he'd be safe and sleep soundly in his bed at night. His safety and healthy development was a given. THAT is my sin.

I should have spent every moment thanking Hashem anew for the gift he gave me and continues to give me. כל נשמה תהלל י-ה - Every neshama should praise Hashem. Chazal explain - על כל נשימה ונשימה תהלל י-ה - With have to thank Hashem for EVERY BREATH.

My family has had a rough history. 2000 years ago we were happily living in Israel until our enemies came and expelled us. We wandered around until we arrived in Europe many hundreds of years ago. Then we left Europe in 1938 [on one side - the other side is an interesting story] and eventually arrived in the US. I am a first - and last- generation American. The US was good to my family but what a tremendous zchus to raise holy Jewish children minutes away from the Holy Of Holies after a 2000 year interval.

Tonight I went with my adult son [he looks like an adult with his hat and suit] to the kotel [or "koyyysel" as some friends have it] to daven maariv for the very first time as a man. I appointed myself gabbai, gathered a minyan and appointed my son chazan. AMAZING. After all of the pogroms, assimilation, holocaust and everything else - we stand in good health and daven at the one place in the world where G-d's presence is never absent. The medrash promised that no matter what the goyim try to destroy, the kotel will always remain standing.

I am about to wake him up to take a dip in the Old City "swimming pool" followed by shachris at the kotel. Wow. I should really stop taking things for granted and appreciate every second of Hashem's chesed.

כי חסד א-ל כל היום.

It is not only the morally correct approach - it will also greatly enhance my quality of life. Gratitude is a major key to happiness.

Sweet friends - may we ALL appreciate our countless blessings:-).

Love and blessings and simchas by us all.