Of course - because boys really like girls and vice versa, so we are just doing what comes naturally.
That might be the correct answer - but it shouldn't be.
The reason we get married is explained by the Zohar Hakodesh in Parshas Acharei Mos: The pasuk says that Hashem spoke to Moshe from between the two keruvim. מכאן אוליפנא - from here we learn, דבכל אתר דלא אשתכח דכר ונוקבא - in any place where there is not a male and a female [like the Keruvim which were faces of a man and woman], לאו כדאי למחמי אפי שכינתא - you cannot see the face of the Shechina.
Zohar Hakadosh in Parshas Bereishis on the pasuk of זכר ונקבה בראם that Hashem created us male and female [in His image]: כל דיוקנא דלא אשתכח ביה דבר ונוקבא - any countenance that is not male and female, לאו איהו דיוקנא עילאה כדקא חזי - is not a reflection of the Divine as it should be. תא חזי, בכל אתר דלא אשתכחו דכר ונוקבא כחדא - Come and see, in any place where man and woman are not united, קוב"ה לא שוי מדוריה בההוא אתרא - Hashem does not dwell in that place.
We get married because that is the only way we bring Hashem into our lives. Our task is to channel our nature towards G-dliness. If you help somebody get married you are doing the same. So in addition to working on your own unity with you present or future spouse - try to help another 2 Jews. For them and for the whole world.