Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just Scramble The Letters

Do you have any צרות [difficulties]? I do!:-)

Can I share them with you? On second thought I won't. You have your own so why should I bother you with mine.....

But I am HAPPY I have them. The word צרה can be re-scrambled into the word רצה - something I desire. The next step is to scramble the letters again yielding the word צהר - light. Yes sweet friends, your צרה can turn into a צהר - you just have to appreciate it.

The gemara in shabbos [יז] says that Chananya ben Chizkiyahu wrote a book called Megillas Taanis commemorating all of the difficult times the Jews had because they "loved צרות". Who loves צרות?? Jews! [See the Ayn Ayah there]

The צרה always turns into a צהר if we just have enough patience.

עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יוושע [yirmiyahu 30/7] - It is a time of extreme difficulty for the Jews and "from it" ממנה we will be saved. Meaning that the source of salvation is what we originally believed to be the צרה. We thought the the decree Haman orchestrated to wipe out the Jews was to our detriment and that the tree was for Mordechai to be hanged. In the end he set up his own downfall. On the day the Jews were supposed to be wiped out they in fact killed their enemies and Haman ended up hanging on the tree. Yes indeed the צרה is the source of salvation. וממנה יוושע - from it we will be saved. ממנה is the letters of מהמן - from Haman comes the salvation.


[החודש אשר נהפך עמ' מב]