In the Shulchan Aruch it says that being a sandak at a bris is a segulah for wealth. The Vilna Gaon in his commentary says that he served as sandak and never became rich. Rav Soloveitchik once mentioned this Vilna Gaon in shiur and said that he too served as sandak many times and never became rich.
Next to Rav Schachter in shiur sat another Rav named Rav Herschel Schachter [who was a chaplain in the US army and liberated the death camps]. He said in Yiddish "Shtayt in Seforim, it says in the holy books that there are different types of riches. Some people are rich with money. Others aren't concerned with financial prosperity and for them riches means great Torah knowledge. The Rebbe has definitely merited great riches."
In fact the Steipler attributed his success in disseminating his books to the fact the he was sandek many times.
The gemara in nedarim [דף מ I think] says "אין עני אלא בדעת" - True poverty is when one lacks knowledge. So wealth would then be lots of דעת.
[The Rebbe Shlita asked a question on the Gra. In hilchos netilas yadaim the shulchan aruch says that if you use a lot of water for netilas yadaim you will become rich and there the Gra does NOT comment that he used a lot of water and didn't become rich. Why does he ask about sandakaus but not netilas yadaim?]