Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How To Make Miracles Happen

So there I was sitting in front of my computer pondering the notion that a chezkas pnuyah is stronger than a chazaka di'hashta and working on a chapter of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz's sefer where he performs delicate reconstructive surgery on the issue. I also had music playing in the background. But what was REALLY going on was that I was feeling particularly rotten about certain things in life that are going BARUCH HASHEM exactly the opposite of how I want them to be going. BARUCH HASHEM - yisurim builds character.....

Then I listened to the words of the song playing on the computer הוא יתברך עושה נסים לכל הבוטחים בו - Hashem performs miracles for those who have trust in Him. I thought GREAT! I could use a few miracles. Then I wondered where the words come from. A medrash? A Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim?? [Come to think of it they should put more of the Moreh to song.] So I did a search on my otzar hachochma program. I found that there is something similar in the Kedushas Levi on Chanuka of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. והאנשים
הבוטחים בה מאמינים שקרוב ה' לכל
קוראיו ותפארתו בישראל
ובודאי יפתח להם שערי ברכה שיקיימו
מצותיו ויעשה להם נסים ונפלאות כי
מלכותו בכל משלה

"... And the people who trust in Hashem believe that he is close to all those who call out to Him and His glory is in the Jewish people and He will definitely open up the gates of blessing that they should fulfill His mitzvos and he will perform miracles and wonders for them because He rules over everything."

So sweetest friends, what I really need is some more bitachon. I am going to get it:-).