Famous story I've been thinking about a lot recently.
Someone is walking along the beach and sees hundreds of starfish that have been washed ashore. As he is walking, he sees a child picking one of them up and throwing it back into the water.
The adult says to the child, " Why are you doing this? There are hundreds of starfish on the beach. What difference does this make?”
The child replies, “It makes a difference to that one.”
The truth is that we would like to help everybody: Every orphan, every widow, every sick person, every sad or lonely person etc. etc. but we will never succeed. Too many needy people out there. So why bother, right?
The answer is that we must sometimes think small. Just help ONE person. Then another ONE. The initial attitude is that you want to change the whole world but when it comes to myseh, the only way to live is to think about individuals and help person after person. After 120 years of this you will have left the world a much better place than you found it when you arrived.
Isn't that why we are here??
You can start...... now:-).