Sunday, March 25, 2012

Emunas Chachomim

Reb Zelig Shtitzberg was a legendary Gerer Chossid in Yerushalyim. One Shabbos morning his wife gave birth to a girl but the doctors informed them that the baby is not viable and will not live. He ran to his Rebbe the Heilige Beis Yisrael [Rebbe Yisrael Alter - Moro Vi-Rabo of Mori Vi-Rabi Shlita] to tell him the news and the Rebbe responded by bursting out with a big "mazel tov". Even though all he said was the standard bracha it didn't faze Reb Zelig. He walked out of the room with great joy and told everybody that he had a baby girl and sat down to enjoy the Shabbos morning kiddush.

It goes without saying that this girl is today a grandmother to many...

זכות הצדיקים יעזור ויגן ויושיע!

["ספר "כי אתה עמדי]