Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Thought On Tzav

Rabbi Zweig from

"Moshe brought Aharon and his sons forward and he immersed them in water"

The Rambam in his Magnum Opus, the Yad Hachazaka, records the laws of the
Kohanim in the section of Klei Hamikdosh - Vessels of the Sanctuary. The sheer
brilliance of his work is not limited to the content alone; his classifying and
codifying of the precepts are unparalleled. Why does the Rambam see fit to
include the laws of the Priesthood under the penumbra of the Vessels of the

The Torah relates that Moshe immersed Aharon and his sons in a Mikveh. He
then dressed Aharon with his Priestly vestments. Moshe anointed the Tabernacle
and all of its vessels. Only then did Moshe dress Aharon's sons.[1] Apparently,
they were waiting unclothed until Moshe completed anointing the Mishkan. Why did
Moshe not clothe the Kohanim prior to anointing the Mishkan?
The Kohanim were a function of the Mishkan, akin to the vessels of the
Mishkan. They drew their sanctity and sense of purpose from it. Therefore, prior
to donning them with their vestments, thereby completing their consecration,
Moshe first consecrated the Mishkan. It is this message, that the Kohanim were
vessels of the Mishkan, which the Rambam is conveying by including the laws of
the Kohanim in the section of Klei Hamikdash.