Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Objects - Part 3

Hey guys - who do you think are better looking, Scandinavian girls or Oriental girls?

HASHEM YERACHEM such a vulgar question. So why do I ask it? The gemara says that at the party of Achashveirosh they were discussing which nation's women are the best looking. This is contrasted with the Jews who discuss other things at their festive meals - Divrei Torah and Kedushah.

Talking about women's looks "objectifies" and cheapens them - and you....

So this Purim let us tryyyyyy to begin to be careful to speak only about worthwhile matters at the table. If you find yourself at a table where other matters are being discussed you don't have to join in. Being anti-social is sometimes the order of the day. OR you can change the topic of conversation and say something like "I also recently saw a great movie. Well, actually I read the book. 'The Ten Commandments'. Did you see the Ibn Ezra on Lo Sachmod?!" Or you can try not to be there in the first place.

Haman said to Achashveirosh ודתיהם שונות מכל עם which can be read to mean "their religion IS to be different from all other nations" [the simple meaning is that their religion is different from all other nations]. The more different we are, the more Jewish we become.