Tuesday, March 11, 2014

From Body To Soul

תשועתם היית לנצח ותקוותם לכל דור ודור - Their salvation was for eternity and their hope for every generation. [From the piyut Shoshanas Yaakov]

This can be explained based on the argument that took place between Yisro and Moshe at the beginning of parshas Yisro. Yisro told Moshe that how can it be that people are coming to Moshe all day long to be judged about their worldly matters. Why would Moshe talk to these people about mundane matters when at the same time he could be conversing with the Shechina??

Moshe answered [18/16] כי יהיה להם דבר ובא אלי והודעתי את חקי האלהים ואת תורותיו - Whenever they come to me about material matters, I am able to turn the conversation in the direction of more sublime spiritual matters.

The Mezritcher [Rebbe Dov Ber] was originally not interested in becoming a student of the Baal Shem Tov but he came to him about a health matter. The Baal Shem performed a mofes and from there things developed and he taught the Mezritcher the secrets of Torah and he became a devoted disciple.

That is the allusion of our Piyut - תשועתם - when the Tzadikim draw salvations for the Jews in physical matters, היית לנצח - from there they are able to draw the Jews to spirituality and eternity ותקוותם לכל דור ודור - and their hope and trust in Tzadikim and Hashem is for all the generations.

[The Tiferes Shlomo of Radomsk]

לכבוד רבי זאב שלמה שליט"א בן בינה לברכה והצלחה הוא וכל הנלוים עליו