Monday, March 10, 2014

Hashem's Pen-Name

Sometimes people write books or articles with "pen-names". The pen-name of Hashem on Purim was "Nature". Everything was done through natural means.

אין אסתר מגדת - Esther was very secretive about her past. The Maharal explains that "אסתר" had that name because she was נסתרת - hidden and very high and holy.

The pasuk says חכמת אדם תאיר פניו - A man's wisdom causes his face to light up. R' Itzele Blazer said that wise Rav Yisrael Salanter was not able to hide the light that emanated from his face. On Purim, the day of hiddenness, we try to hide even the wisdom from our faces. We do this by drinking עד דלא ידע.


[Rav Hutner Purim 5733]

לזכות הבת החדשה שנולדה במזל טוב לר' יוסף עזרא ואריאל יאספאן. הרבה נחת וקדושה נסתרת ועליונה