Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

News Item from WALLY radio:
A 27 year old barehead, tzitzit-less chiloni man, a sabbath desecrator, one who eats unkosher food and doesn't even wash negelvasser [!], assualted his wife yesterday and was held by police for questioning. He was then released when his equally chiloni father put up 10,000 shekel bail. When he arrived at the police station he was bareheaded.
 Just goes to show that not keeping mitzvos makes one violent.

Sweetest friends!!  Someone sent me a news item that a "charedi man" comitted an act of violence. This implies that his charedi-ism had something to do with his violence. There no correlation between the violence and his religious identity. Being charedi means that you are careful to keep the Torah. The Torah is דרכיה דרכי נועם - It's ways are ways of pleasantness. Striking a fellow Jew is forbidden according to Torah law. The gemara says that slapping one's friends face is like slapping the shechina's face. Saying that the perpetrator is charedi is created a false association. For that I protest. This person is a sinner masquerading as a religious Jew. He keeps some mitzvos and not others. He probably needs a psychiatrist as do many religious people and as do many non-religous people and as do many goyim.

A person cannot be religious and a sinner at the same time. Like the recent Pew survey where something like 94 percent of people who were identified as Ultra Orthodox said that that have not participated in a religious service of another faith in the last year. In other words - 6 percent of Ultra Orthodox Jews are idol woshippers. 86 percent [I don't remember the exact percentage] of all Ultra Orthodox Jews don't handle money on Shabbos. That means that 14 percent of Ultra Orthodox Jews a mechalelei Shabbos.... Are they really Ultra Orthodox???