Saturday, March 29, 2014

They Are All Number One

The Hagada lists the four sons, Echad Chochom, Echad Rasha, Echad Tam, Echad SheEino Yodei'a Lishol.  Rav Menashe Klein asks shouldn't it say Echad, Sheini, Shlishi... instead of Echad for each one?

He answers that Baal Hagada is teaching us a very important lesson.  Each person whatever he is, has a Neshama that comes from Hashem, a Cheilek Elokai MiMaal.  Each person comes directly from Hashem who is Echad.  They are all special.  There is no Rishon, Sheini, Shlishi no matter what they look like.  They all need to be treated as number one.

לזכות רבי אפרים אבא בן מרים שושנה הוא וכל אשר לו