Wednesday, March 5, 2014

No Switzerland

A strange thing. There have been tzadikim who felt more hatred for divrei reshus, areas of permitted behavior, than they did for divrei aveirah - absolutely prohibited activity.


Everything MUST connect to Hashem. An aveirah has some connection to the will of Hashem because he forbade it. But a dvar reshus is completely outside of the realm of Divine will. The tzadikim couldn't stomach that.

The gemara [Brachos 57] says about wine "יש שותהו וטוב לו ויש שותהו ורע לו" - Some drink it and it is good for them while others drink it and it is bad for them. These tzadikim felt attached to the משתה היין on Purim but it precludes any "no mans land" of divrei reshus. Wine is either really good or really bad.

As one gadol put it "For the neshama, there is no Switzerland" [Switzerland was famous for always staying neutral. In ruchniyus there can be no neutrality. It is either for Hashem or against Him].

[Rav Hutner Purim Seuda 5738 Reshimos Lev]

לזכות רבי יוסף עזרא בן אסתר וכל הנלווים עליו לברכה והצלחה!