Sunday, August 5, 2018

Gneiva!!! - Is It Ever Permitted To Steal ?

Outside of the Shuls in my neighborhood they have tables with seforim for sale and based on an honor system expect people to pay by putting money in the pushkes or swiping their cards in the machine on the wall. [I usually pay unless the sefer is really chashuv and I don't have money on me - see the hashtag my-mer at the bottom].

Today they put out two of Rav Abba Berman's [no relation despite the fact that our names rhyme and given the blessing of six children that I have, I am "Abba Ehrman"] seforim for sale for FORTY SHEKEL A PIECE. 



They used to call him Einstein but he was MUCH SMARTER than Einstein. ראשית חכמה יראת השם! Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz heard about him and said "There is someone with a really strange name I heard about named 'Einstein'". It was explained to him that it was but a nickname. Then after he spoke with him in learning he said "The goyim have Einstein - we have Rebbi Abba Berman". When he was but 14 years old he knew all of the RABBEINU CHANANELS of all of the yeshivish mesechtos BY HEART. When I was 14 I knew ..... [finish the sentence]...... :-)

Each CHAPTER is worth, like FIVE MILLION BUCKS MINIMUM and the entire sefer is being sold for ELEVEN LOUSY BUCKS!!! 

Learn it while you have the chance. You won't regret it. Razor sharp. Penetrating. Incisive. To the point.


Join the exclusive cadre of talmidei Rebbi Abba Berman!:-)!!! 
